Dr. Joy Grady
Director of Student Success and Achievements
- Reading and Literacy Teacher at Young Scholars Circle
- Worldwide Discipleship Association (WDA) HQ Coordinator (current)
- N.Y.S. Information Technology Web Application Developer
- Pearsons – Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) (ELA) Assessment Scoring
- Educational Testing Services (ETS) – California Science Test (CAST) scoring.
- Coweta County Substitute Teacher
- Ph.D. Ministry, Liberty University, Omega Nu Lambda Honors
- M.A. Ministry, Luther Rice College & Seminary
- B.S. Computer Science, George Mason University
- Web Master and JAVA Certification, New Horizon Technical Training
I received my Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation from Liberty University after answering the “Call” to love people into the Kingdom of God (John 3:16). My heart desires to help people be transformed into the image of Christ so that they will know their true identity as a child of the King (1 Peter 2:9) and a “Masterpiece” created by God (Ephesians 2:10).
Email: Dr.Grady@MasterpieceK12.org